I think my blog has too much content in regards to my notes (despite the vastness of topics not covered), and I think the time has come to restructure it.
When I first made this site, it was with the idea of sharing my notes, then sprinkle some other stuff in, like my training log. So I made the headlines of the site resemble all of the various subtopics and topics of notes I scanned & uploaded. With few notes in the beginning, this was not a problem. But as the number of those grew, the interface is no longer optimal. And along with my training log, the site has become a site where I upload a lot of “other things” (also known as my manic projects of the day/month/period).
In the future, I will probably reorganize the headlines and have the notes be accessible only via the current “Index” page, renaming it to “Notes”. And maybe I need to look into another template altogether (though I do like the simplicity of this one). Accessing specific notes from the front page will no longer be possible, but the interface will be much cleaner.