
On the Recovery Movement Control Order by Muhammad Amir Ayub

One can easily appreciate where the “recovery” part comes into view: on the need to keep businesses alive, and for families to return to some level of normalcy. And certainly for kids to go back to school and learn anything. Personally I find the idea of giving homework during this period to be ironic in some ways. Which parents are better equipped to “homeschool” their children other than parents who’ve had their work affected by COVID or retrenched because of it? Many of us, for example healthcare, are still working as usual you know.

But there are definitely economic casualties. Less parking being used in shopping malls with closed down shops are examples of the economic effects of trying to curb the spread of disease. The need to distance and limit customer density just will not be good to the bottom line.

But we are recovering, somewhat.

The limiting factor will be what’s going on outside of the borders. Our neighbors are doing good but not in the rest of the world. The United States can’t get any part of their act together, as Trump will continue his stupid ways, and their youth can’t stop partying. I’m personally interested in seeing how COVID will effect the American sports complex when it is all said and done, considering that sports plays so much into the economy versus other countries. American football is what keeps university programs alive!

People (in reduced numbers) leaving after Friday prayers…

People (in reduced numbers) leaving after Friday prayers…

…with all other gates being closed

…with all other gates being closed

Business more or less as usual in Mid Valley Megamall

Business more or less as usual in Mid Valley Megamall

But certainly not as full for now

But certainly not as full for now

But at least the mall is not empty

But at least the mall is not empty

Was thinking of posting a picture of a superbike meetup, but it may not be DG/PDRM approved…

I expect the current restrictions to continue as local outbreaks continue to happen while everybody dies outside of East & Southeastern Asia.

Oh, My MacBook (2012 Retina) by Muhammad Amir Ayub

My laptop has turned into a desktop for now and maybe till its demise…. But this has been the longest lasting personal computer to me.

The long term plan is to buy a MacBook Pro with Apple silicon if it holds out. If not, the plan is to buy that 16 inch MBP. But mark my words I have no joy in spending all that money. Especially when I bought that iPhone 11 when my 7 broke right on the eve of my birthday, and this on the morning of my wife’s birthday.

So my laptop just suffered an osteoporotic hip fracture...Followed by a rant to release some steam Cursing bleeped out

2nd Weekend of Restricted Movement Order by Muhammad Amir Ayub

Went out for shopping for groceries…And coffee beans. I did not realize that Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf (CBTL) was closed in Mid Valley Megamall (but open in other areas), so I then drove to another mall to get my beans (for my cold brew coffee that I drink when on call). During that particular drive, I had to go through a police blockade, where the police officer was trying to tell me that coffee is not important for a doctor. I politely persuaded him that it is important enough, and he let me through after a short discussion.

There’s too much jokes made about how coffee is important for us doctors, and anesthetists in particular:


But seriously though:

  1. When on call, we potentially do not sleep a single second, until the next morning. If you’re lucky you go back (like me); if not you work till again the end of the next working day. If you’re stuck in an operating theater that ends late? Luckily my day post call does not end beyond noon.

  2. Even when sleepy the mind must stay sharp to make quick and correct decisions and remain skillful performing procedures that may potentially kill patients. When was the last time you felt guilty that a patient died probably because you weren’t sharp enough? You’re luckly to not be a dogtor.

  3. Doctors in the past may do up to 14 calls a month! Doctors nowadays may do up to 8 calls a month. And you work the next day if you’re not an anesthetist. Imagine on call - post call - work - on call. Do you realize the stress and fatigue? Coffee keeps us going.

Just like how the police are important in maintaining peace and other duties, we doctors are important too, and our jobs are tiring too. Don’t underestimate our need for legal stimulants. And I’m making my own coffee, not buying sugar-infused cans/comparatively more expensive freshly brewed cups (1 cup is not enough). I’m not angry at the officer; everybody underestimates the fatigue our profession causes.

Anyways, enjoy some pics showing the scene during this second week of restricted movement. My mind goes out to every one impacted. I may have to directly deal with COVID-19 in the future (not yet), and will remain completely single for the foreseeable future. And restricted from meaningful training.

Keep your distance everyone

Keep your distance everyone

Empty shops everywhere

Empty shops everywhere

Wanted to buy coffee beans to make my coffee…Oops

Wanted to buy coffee beans to make my coffee…Oops

Hand sanitizers everywhere

Hand sanitizers everywhere

Lining up to enter a supermarket, with the aim of maintaining distance by limiting the number of people inside

Lining up to enter a supermarket, with the aim of maintaining distance by limiting the number of people inside

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1 line for entering and exiting. Like (in theory) for donning and doffing

1 line for entering and exiting. Like (in theory) for donning and doffing

Temperature checks and hand hygiene when coming in

Temperature checks and hand hygiene when coming in

Out you go that way

Out you go that way

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Distancing markers when queueing

Distancing markers when queueing

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Initially there was a “must wear mask rule” but luckily it it not enforced (because it is not scientifically sensible)

Initially there was a “must wear mask rule” but luckily it it not enforced (because it is not scientifically sensible)

Cancellation of promotions

Cancellation of promotions

Still open (my favorite cream puffs)

Still open (my favorite cream puffs)

Of course, for take-away only

Of course, for take-away only

The management has done a good job telling what’s available and what’s not

The management has done a good job telling what’s available and what’s not

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