Upper Limb Blocks

Evidence Based Practice: RA Application in Shoulder Surgery (Murni Mansor, RAPM 2024) by Muhammad Amir Ayub

The following lecture on "Evidence Based Practice: RA Application in Shoulder Surgery" was delivered by Dr Murni Mansor, Anaesthesiologist from Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II Kota Bharu, Malaysia for the 1st World Day of RAPM 2024.

The conference was held on 27th January 2024 at the Connexion Conference & Event Centre, Bangsar South City, Kuala Lumpur.

Don't forget to subscribe for more upcoming videos from the 1st World Day of RAPM 2024. If you like the work done for the channel, you may now show your support by buying Super Thanks in YouTube.

Recording: ANAKAYUB
Editor: Abrar Mohd Shafie
Executive Producer: ANAKAYUB

Upper Limb Blocks: Infraclavicular & Axillary Brachial Plexus Blocks by Muhammad Amir Ayub

The following lecture on "Upper Limb Blocks: Interscalene & Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Blocks" was delivered by Dr Mohd Akhmal Mohd Ashraf for the Hospital Melaka Regional Anaesthesia CME.

Don't forget to subscribe for more upcoming videos from the channel. If you like the work done for the channel, you may now show your support by buying Super Thanks in YouTube.

Recording setup and post-production: ANAKAYUB

Upper Limb Blocks: Interscalene & Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Blocks by Muhammad Amir Ayub

The following lecture on "Upper Limb Blocks: Interscalene & Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Blocks" was delivered by Dr Farah Aqilah Abdul Mutalib for the Hospital Melaka Regional Anaesthesia CME.

Don't forget to subscribe for more upcoming videos from the channel.

Recording setup and post-production: ANAKAYUB