Excellent interview with the "elderly" 60 year old lifter with a resting heart rate of 60 and systolic BP of < 120.
He talked about an interesting concept of "bus bench" versus "park bench" workouts. You can listen specifically about this concept at the 31:14 mark
From his article on T-Nation (I used to frequent this site once upon a time):
“Another way to look at a year-round approach to reasonable training is my “bus bench” and “park bench” workouts.
Bus bench workouts: You’re expecting results – on time! (Like you’re hoping the bus will be.)
Park bench workouts: Are an opportunity to explore and enjoy where you are in training.
It’s a simple concept. Like weights, benches have multiple uses. If you’re waiting to get to work sitting on a bus bench, you don’t just hope, you demand that the bus be on time. If it’s even a little late, it could ruin your day at work.
Park benches are built the exact same way, but when you sit in a park, you don’t expect or worry if Toby the squirrel comes by or not. You sit back and enjoy the process.”
Or how Tony Gentilcore paraphrases bus bench stuff (allowing the general population to relate):
“I have a class reunion/vacation/World of WarCraft Convention in July and I need to look gooood. I will go to the gym six times per week, train for a marathon, maybe hit up a CrossFit class or two when I can squeeze them in, between yoga class of course, omit all carbohydrates, find perfection in all I do, and meet the person of my dreams.
As Coach John states, “When you compete or train, take time to enjoy the view, breathe the air, and don’t worry about the minutia! Whatever comes along during your competition or training should be viewed through the lens of wonder and thanks.”
Fitness doesn’t have to be a ball buster all the time. And, not coincidentally, taking the park bench approach is often what yields better, long-lasting results.”
I think that "park bench" anything (maintaining consistency as priority) most of the year and "bus bench" a few short periods a year (going full balls to the wall) is a good way to keep yourself sane and have sustainable success.