So I decided to eat at someplace (Pancake House International), and coincidentally it offered payments via the Boost App. I had it installed before but I had never used it before.
Apparently you can use it for cashless payments at participating outlets as well as send and receive money.
This is what you see after the initial setup. You choose whether you want a basic/premium setup (with the advantage of a bigger wallet limit and the ability to transfer money back to one's banking account; I decided for the basic setup). On setup I got an RM 8 sign up bonus. So the next step was putting some balance to actually pay the bill.
What, I can't use my credit/debit card? What's the point then? This makes it less convenient than just using you card to pay (for shops that accept them). Topping up cash from your account requires you to login to your online banking account to top up (with the requirement to request TAC numbers as well), making it time consuming; you don't want to do it at the cashier.
So there are apparently food vouchers on offer...
Example of voucher
...But certainly not many (yet). So when I went over to pay, apparently the staff did not know how to have me pay via the app. It was the first experience for both shop and customer. After referring to a manual provided to the shop, only then did they know to use the provided terminal and produce the QR code for the phone to scan.
Once scanned, you just confirm the transaction and you're done.
Um.. thanks
Apparently after the transaction, I also got a so-called "Shake Reward". Better than nothing to promote use of the app.
All in all, an interesting experience. But other than promotions (which are not many), I don't see the value of using the app over credit/debit cards (that can get you points/cashbacks) and have a faster transaction speed (partly from the familiarity of vendors using card-based systems). And with the inability (I guess for now) to link to your cards, you have to top-up your wallet (preferably while not at the front of the line). My take? If the shop offers card-based transactions, I'll use that over Boost unless there are promotions/bonuses that give added value. If it's either cash/Boost, then maybe I'll use the app, but only if I won't embarrass myself topping up the account just enough to pay for the transaction/have an excess of bonus value to make the potentially longer time at the cashier worthwhile (it could get shorter as every one gets more comfortable).
Anyways, if you're interested in trying out the app, go ahead and use the Invite Code muhq2c0 to get RM 5 after your first mobile credit top up. Do try it out, if mobile cashless payment systems are your thing.