1. Obesity in pregnancy
- define obesity and class
- complication related to pregnancy
- assessment in pre-op clinic
- anaesthetic management (with failed epidural, cat 1)

2. Ankle block
- nerve supply of dermatomes
- landmarks of ankle blocks
- absolute and relative contraindications
- criteria for day surgery

- benefit compared to open
- complication
- pre-existing renal impairment – surgical and anaesthetic factors
- how to prevent renal impairment from worsening

4. Sepsis (3yo, brother recently had URTI)
- define sepsis
- clinical features of meningococcal septicemia
- signs and symptoms
- management of sepsis

5. Robotic surgery
- complications
- nerve injury
- define adequate reversal
- anaestheetic management, investigation, and differential diagnosis

6. VAP
- define ‘care bundle’
- causes of VAP
- preventation of VAP
- DDx of VAP

7. Traumatic brain injury
- ICU management
- airway management

8. Free flap surgery
- type of free flap
- surgical factors for flap failure
- anaesthetic intraop management
- assessment of viability of flap

9. OLV
- pre-op assessment -> suitability of patient
- management of desaturation intraop
- value of anaerobic threshold
- absolute and relative indication for lung isolation
- options for OLV

10. Trigeminal neuralgia
- clinical features
- differential diagnosis
- causes
- pharmacological treatment
- non-pharmocaological treatment

Credits to Shalini G.