FCAI SAQ 28th Feb 2023
1. Patient with history of CRPS on oxynorm and spinal cord stimulator
a. What are the side effects of chronic opiod consumptions
b. Preoperative concern for this patient
c. Anaesthetic concern of spinal cord stimulator
d. Opiods conversion
- oral morphine to IV morphine
- oxynorm to morphine
2. Patient with underlying ovarian Ca post chemotherapy, has massive ascites
a. What are the chemo drugs that will concern anaesthetists - list examples
b. Anaesthetics concern of bleomycin
c. CXR of right pleural effusion - ask to interpret
d. How to optimize this patient preoperatively
e. Intraop put on esophageal Doppler
- lable the waveform (eg. FTC etc)
- interpret the result and how to manage
3. 14 years old adolescent undergoing scoliosis corrective surgery
a. What is Cobb's angle and it's significance
b. How do you conduct anaesthesia if surgeon wants to conduct intraoperative nerve monitoring
c. Post operatively patient has left eye blindness - what is your diagnosis and management
4. Burn
a. Method to assess surface area of burn
b. Indications for early intubation
c. Fluid resuscitation in the 1st 24 hours
d. Explain concept of fluid creep
e. Management in icu
f. define the thickness of burn (superficial thickness, partial thickness, full thickness)
g. Calculate the fluid resus for the 1st 24 hours
5. Elderly hip surgery
a. causes of fall in elderly
b. pain management
c. reasons to delay hip surgery in elderly
d. nerve supply over hemiarthroplasty
e. block usg image - identify femoral nerve
6. You are called to conduct ECT in a district psy ward
a. What are the potential difficulties
b. Indications of ECT
c. Explain how would you conduct Anaesthesia in detailed for this patient (emphasize on patient's safety)
7. Patient on dual antiplatelet therapy coming for major abdominal surgery
a. Components of drugs eluting stent
b. List other types of antiplatelet and MOA
c. How long to continue DAPT for patient on DES and BMS
d. Intraop noted ST depression, describe your immediate management
3. Transphenoidal approach tumour resection for Cushing disease
a. What is Cushing disease
b. Clinical features of Cushing disease
c. How to conduct anaesthesia in this patient in detailed (mention on surgeon's requirement)
d. Potential complications of this approach of surgery
4. patient post MVA with maxillofacial fracure, planned for AFOI
a. Contraindication of AFOI
b. Describe Nerves supply to the airway and methods to block 3. Modification of ATI in patient with stridor in terms of
I. Sedation
II. Topicalization
III. Oxygenation
IV. Performance
5. 39 years old G4P3 with twins pregnancy
a. Risk factor for multiple pregnancy
b. Complications to mother
c. Complications to fetus
d. Management for SVD in multiple pregnancy