MCAI SOE 16th Nov 2022
1. Nausea and vomiting
- different between vomiting and regurgitation
- regulation pathway of vomiting
- consequence of ponv
- risk stratification of ponv
2. Type of hypoxia
- Explain each type
- Oxygen content in blood
- usual arterial and venous oxygen content
- ways to improve oxygen delivery
3. Renal function
- Renal blood flow regulation
- explain autoregulation
- explain juxtoglomerular feedback mechanism
- explain other factors responsible for renal blood flow
- quantify renal blood flow, cortex and medulla
4. Calcium homeostasis
- vitamin D and parathyroid hormone
- define and explain secondary hyperpararhyroidism
- role of calcitonin
- function of calcium
- normal calcium level
- what is the forms of calcium in the plasma
5. Device
- Anaesthetic machine safety mechanism
- Central Wall supply safety mechanism
- Alarm safety mechanism
- Oxygen flush button
6. Suction device
- flow rate of suction vacuum port
- pressure needed for ett suction
7. Laser principle
- define laser
- mechanism of laser
- type of laser and usage
- Laser safety precaution in theatre
- prevention of airway burn
1. TCI
- one compartment two compartment three compartment-to explain
- define half life
- how do you calculate loading dose and maintenence dose
2. Describe Benzodiazepine.
- Usage of benzodiazepine, structure, mechanism of action. Metabolism and excretion of benzodiazepine in detail. Advantages of midazolam.
3. A patient in pacu who had laparotomy, is in severe pain, she. Has received paracetamol, diclofenac, oxycodone.
- Explain multimodal analgesia.
- Explain Adjuvant non opioid analgesia. - Side effect of magnesium sulphate
- Explain gabapentinoid drug
4. A patient who received topical eye drop atropine developed restlessness.
- MOA of antimuscurinic
- usage of antimuscurinic
- compare atropine and glycopyrolate
- risk factor for central anticholinergic syndrome
- antidote for central anticholinergic syndrome
5. Pressure relieving valve
- explain the structure and its function and how it work
- list out the location in anaesthetic machine where it is found
- what is the purpose
- what is the pressure threshold for it to open
6. Define pressure
SI unit of pressure, and force
Different between absolute pressure and gauze pressure
Give example of device to measure pressure and explain how it works
A patient has a blocked iv cannula, you gonna flush it, explain what size of syringe I would use.
7. Neuromuscular monitoring
Phase one block and phase two block
Train of four pattern
Tof ratio for intubation
List other type of nerve stimulation pattern
Special thanks to C.A et. al.